Redhead Music Online
"Lovely, lovely music! Great for the kids!" - J McLarry

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A Guide Book

Primary School Musicals & how to survive them!

Sheila's fun and helpful new book for teachers is NOW IN STOCK!


Kazoos need never drop to the stage again ... these stylish purple and red kazoos from Redhead Music come threaded with red cotton bands so your kazoo-band can wear them. Brilliant! We are now selling Kazoos, available to order with any musical. Or separately! Brilliant!


Easter Praise is now available as a free downloadable Welsh translation. Press here for details. Do you know any teachers in Korea? Three of Sheila's musicals have now been published there...
Contact us for details.

Primary School Musicals & how to survive them!

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SWB1 (Primary School Musicals
(and how to survive them!))

Do school productions cause you nightmares? Sheila Wilson's new book is full of witty and practical advice to help you through it! Includes a time-line!




Primary School Musicals & how to survive them!

OK, not a musical, but an unmissable musical-resource! Sheila Wilson's great new book, full of humour and practical advice.
Includes an invaluable timeline!
This short book is easy to read and is packed full of moral support, practical suggestions and laughter to help take your school musical from the pages of your score to the final curtain (and the accolades) without a nervous breakdown!
We suggest you buy it, scribble in the margins, cross out the bits you disagree with, make a mental note of all the useful tips and hints, chuckle at the observations, enjoy some solidarity, and adapt the invaluable timeline in the centre pages to suit your school agenda.

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